Halfway House
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Robert Wildsmith (1818-1876) & Hannah Noden (1815-1876) of Halfway House Farm, near Swinderby, Lincs. Sadly, they died young and within a six weeks of each other, aged only 57 and 61. They were the parents of Alice Martha Wildsmith, my great grandmother.

                                                                                                                                      photo by Chris Drakes

They were buried alongside each other at Swinderby Parish Churchyard, Lincs.

Sale Notice dated 17th March 1877, shortly after their early deaths.

                                                                                                                                      photo by Chris Drakes

The present-day Halfway House Motel, which was their farm house. It is half way between Lincoln and Newark on the A46 near the site of the former RAF Swinderby; there is now a roundabout at this junction and a large hedge partly concealing the house from view.

Alice Martha Wildsmith, the 8th of their 9 children
my great grandmother